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Dental Centre
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COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Pinetree Dental Centre is proud to implement the following changes to our practice and workflow upon entering Phase 2 of the Covid-19 Response Plan:
We will maintain safe physical distancing throughout our practice; unfortunately, the 2-meter distance between the patient and dental team is not feasible in the dental operatories due to the specifics of the dental treatment.
Appropriate signage re: physical distancing is displayed in our practice (floor decals)
The waiting area is re-arranged with a reduced number of chairs and blocking area seats to maintain safe physical distance.
NO magazines or books are available to minimize the chance of cross-contamination.
Front barrier is installed for the safety of our receptionists and patients.
Prescreening patients regarding the necessity of the treatment versus risk taken by entering the dental facility and dental treatment altogether with Covid-19 symptoms is our priority: there is one prescreening before the appointment is made and additional upon the patient’s arrival.
Patients are asked to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer upon arrival.
Patients are provided with instructions to arrive without a companion unless it is crucial for the patient’s treatment: a child is accompanied by one parent or guardian.
Tooth brushing is not permitted on the premises.
We ask patients to limit the use of the restrooms to reduce cross-contamination.
Hand-washing instructions are available in a restroom, social area altogether with hand soap, disposable hand towels and no-touch receptacle.
Before treatment, a patient is asked to rinse with 1% H2O2 mouth rinse.
No-touch payment option is available.
iPad, pens, doorknobs and other often touch surfaces are disinfected regularly.
Staff must change to work clothes in the designated area; the work clothes are washed after each shift and an employee is expected to get a shower immediately after returning home.
Daily log regarding Covid-19 symptoms is filled by each staff member.
If an employee has any COVID-19 symptoms or develops such during work shift, upon washing hands and wearing a mask is returned home.
Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE ) as per BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) guidelines are provided to staff and appropriate training has been provided with protocols reviewed regularly.
Donning, doffing instructions displayed; no hand touch lid containers available in appropriate locations different than donning.
Hand sanitizer available upon entry to every operatory and throughout the practice.
Extra time is added to dental appointments and alternating ops for one operator is exercised to provide sufficient time for aerosols to settle and to provide proper disinfecting protocol after each procedure.
One point of entry for patients, deliveries and staff is obeyed.
Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP) are limited.
High Volume Evacuation system is used with any AGP.