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Fluoride Treatment

The Challenge:​

Dental plaque from the build-up bacteria on our teeth start to wear away the outer layer. Left untreated it weakens the tooth and the decay can deepen through the tooth tissue.


What we can do to help:

We can help inform you as to when it is good time to introduce more or less fluoride then meet with you during your scheduled teeth cleaning. 


The scientific benefits of applying fluoride to help reinforce the teeth have been known for over the last 50 years. 


Fluoride – What is it?  Why do I need it?

Fluoride is a product that is incorporated in the tooth structure making it less susceptible to bacteria's metabolites which are responsible for cavities.

There are two types of fluoride available:

1) Topical Fluoride – strengthens the outer surface of the tooth enamel. We find topical fluoride in dental products such as toothpaste, mouth rinse and gels. This prevention care is recommended during dental check-ups.


2) Systemic Fluoride – is fluoride that builds in the tooth structure from the ingested sources in most foods and water in some community water supplies. This form is important mostly when the teeth are forming or growing in young children. Note that it is important to monitor the amount of ingested fluoride your children receive. White spots on the surface of the teeth may occur, a condition also called ‘fluorosis’. 


NOTE:  Communities around the Lower Mainland do not have fluoride added to their water supply. Supplements in drop and chewing tablet form can be prescribed by Dr. Magda if necessary.

​When do we recommend fluoride treatments?
  •  A History of dental caries

  •  Medical treatments or medications

  •  Medical conditions that affect saliva flow

  •  When there is ongoing surface sensitivity

  •  Depending on diet and hygiene habits


Remember fluoride alone will not save your teeth. For more questions, talk to our team.

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